Want to go lighter?
Lighter All Over
Up to 4 hours
Full Head Lightening
Going lighter! Includes everything we need to make your blonde pop: lightening, toner, bond fusion, cut blowdry & styling.
Up to 4 hours
Up to 3.5 hours
Half Head Lightening
Same as a full head, but just half.
Up to 3.5 hours
Up to 3.5 hours
Regrowth Lightening
Taking those roots lighter! This is only for regrowth 8 weeks or less. Includes bleach regrowth application, Bond Fusion, toner, cut, blowdry and style..
Up to 3.5 hours
Up to 2.5 hours
Panel Lightening
Are you after a bold hit of lighter! This is only for small appliances of bleach. Includes bleach panel application, Bond Fusion, toner, cut, blowdry and style..
Up to 2.5 hours
Up to 4 hours
Regrowth Lightening - Over 8 Weeks
Leaving it a little longer requires a different technique to get a nice, even tone. Includes double bleach regrowth application, Bond Fusion, toner, cut, blowdry and style.
Up to 4 hours
Up to 4.5 hours
Full Head of Foils
Add dimension, go lighter gradually or achieve that summer holiday look. Includes everything we need to make your foils magic: foiling, toner, bond fusion, cut, blowdry and style.
Up to 4.5 hours
Up to 4 hours
Half Head of Foils
The queen of foil maintenance, or for adding a bit of lightness and dimension to your colour. Includes everything we need to make your foils magic: foiling, toner, bond fusion, cut, blowdry and style.
Up to 4 hours
Up to 3.5 hours
Quarter Head of Foils
Add a pop of lightness to your hair, subtle but effective. Includes everything we need to make your foils magic: foiling, toner, bond fusion, cut, blowdry and style.
Up to 3.5 hours
Creative Application
Up to 4 hours
For the ultimate lived in look. Deeper colour on the roots, fading out to light ends. Amazing for low maintenance hair. Includes everything we need to make your colour magic: balayage lightening, toners, bond fusion, cut, blowdry and style.
Up to 4 hours
Up to 6 hours
High Impact/ Creative foiling
Bold blonde work takes extra time. More than foiling and balayage, but less than an all over bleach. creative, individual. Includes everything we need to make your colour magic: Hand painted lightener or platinum card foiling, toners, bond fusion, cut, blowdry and style.
Up to 6 hours